Oct 12, 2011

Let's get those great big plans rolling!

I have plans. BIG plans.  I'm going to be a photojournalist.  I'm going to travel the world and get lost in it.  All that jazz. I am so excited about it and I'm willing to work hard to achieve it, because its what I know I'm going to do.  But sometimes, I get a little lazy. And I don't work as hard as I should.  I justify my laziness.  I'm sure we've all done it once before.

Yesterday, I kicked my laziness right in the pants.  We have devotionals at my school every Tuesday at 2.  The university dresses in their Sunday best and everyone takes a break from classes to be spiritually enriched.  Yesterday, we happened to have one of my favorite women ever give the devotional: Sister Elaine S. Dalton.  I absolutely adore her.  She emanates true beauty and virtue and glows with a greater sense of life and the gospel, all while speaking eloquently of most amazing things. 

Yesterday she spoke of three things: 
  1. Dream Big
  2. Step out of your comfort zone
  3. Go forward with confidence
I could go on and on and on about the things she told us, but all in all, she motivated us to work harder than we ever have to achieve the great things we dream.  And now I will.  And I am so excited about it. And then, something great happened. Jace, friend Diane, and I got to meet Sister Dalton. Again, she is so great. 

It was such a great day.  And, to add to the excitement, best friend Annie, met my favorite artist (who's lyrics I used to name my blog), Mindy Gledhill! So so jealous! But really exciting, because she has great big plans too.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi Elsa,

    Love reading your blog. I had to give a presentation for a group of handicapped adults last year and guess who showed up to hear the presentation ... yep, Sister Dalton. She really is a remarkable women. Glad you got to meet her.

