Feb 25, 2013

lets talk about the oscars

first of all, i'd like to tell you exactly how much i love the oscars.
i have watched them every year since childhood, when i would feel so lucky that my mom let me stay up late on a school night to finish. and as a movie fanatic that not only watches the big beautiful works of art,but enjoys seeing even the smaller less credited films to evenly balance my sense of movie artistry, this is the moment i wait for all year. the sacred handful of hours devoted to the appreciation of the wonderful world of film.

my highlights included, 
-the phenomenal and probably once in a lifetime live les miserables cast performance on the oscars stage. I mean, if it couldn't win anything, at least they gave a solid stellar performance that nobody will probably forget. 
-speaking of performances, i was quite happy with daniel radcliffe and joe go's dance at the beginning of the oscars. while i completely loathed the host, these two made it a bit more bearable with their presence.
-as for the awards, i was loving that adele is so awesome, she not only has a ton of grammy's, but now an oscar. win. i was also thoroughly pleased that anne hathaway won and gave a beautiful acceptance speech.  but most importantly, let's all just give jennifer lawrence a big round of applause for that oscar! you may not think that someone who loves anne hathaway (who once hated her) could also love jennifer lawrence, but i like to think i don't judge too harshly.  and that jen-she is herself through and through and thats probably why some people hate her, but to that i say, 'go jen. you're the greatest.'
the end.

Feb 24, 2013

back to the swing

this is the face of a girl that does not want to go to school tomorrow. 
not one little bit. 
after having spent the entirety of last week and the weekend before that
playing mom to my little brothers while the parents were away gave me a nice long time to relax
(don't worry i did all of my work before i left).
and now that the oscars are over (which you can gladly bet i will talk about later),
and i have organized the closet, and washed my face, 
i guess i don't have any more excuses to put of doing one small homework assignment.


49. reading again
50. girls club
51. scuba diving in baths
52. it was a bun kind of day
54. unpacking
55. Oscar party

Feb 21, 2013


i'd like to think i do too
and that all over the world there are pieces of me
and if i go back to those places i remember that part of me at the certain time. 

Feb 20, 2013

my name is elsa, and i'm a tv junkie

Yes, its true. In case you couldn't tell already, I'm a rather large TV watcher, and i have spent a majority of the last few days soaking up all of that great goodness of my favorite story lines and shows. i've realized its an acquired skill set to be able to watch, balance, and keep up with so many programs and still remain completely interested in all of them equally.  and while i might be embarrassed to mention how many i actually do watch, i'd like to think that i have a well rounded taste in shows that has nothing to do with lazy viewings of cartoonized sitcoms, but more of fulfilling story lines, with the occasional tasteful humor and a perfect blend of just one reality program just to bring me back to reality and real life (i mean, a girl's gotta watch the bachelor, right?).  Maybe I'm seen as more of an obsessive couch junkie for never having stopped watching and only adding more to the mix, but I'd like to announce that I like my shows and if you ever want to have a conversation about why the third season of Downton Abbey was so incredibly depressing yet amazing or why I still continue to watch old Smallville episodes, you can gladly come talk to me.

Feb 18, 2013


i found a soul sister in gretchen rubin today.

"Yet as I thought about happiness, I kept running up against paradoxes. I wanted to change myself but accept myself. I wanted to to take myself less seriously-and also more seriously. I wanted to use my time well, but I also wanted to wander, to play, to read at whim. I wanted to think about myself so I could forget myself."

Feb 17, 2013


42. laundry for days
43. sleeping beauty photo project
44. foxy 
45. happy hearts
46. glitter toes
47. dinosaur museums
48. slow sundays

Feb 14, 2013

holiday for love

i'm not sure what i meant when I wrote this, but take it whatever way you want.
and whether you're hating or loving this holiday, 
do something to enjoy it!

ok yeah

hummus and pita chips at one in the morning was a good idea. 

"hummus in my tummus....ya know, my tummy."

Feb 13, 2013


i've noticed this terrible trend of not being able to focus after the gym.
no amount of homework, internet captivation, or even re-runs of new girl can hold me for too long.
except new episodes of carrie diaries. and the bachelor. 
lets also talk about how much i love that whenever anything happens with des on the bachelor, 
that all my roommates turn and look at me. because i'm des. 
maybe i can't focus because i'm just bounding with all this post-gym energy and endorphins, 
and i can't stop thinking about how i wish my body would get used to those bikes
because i really can't take the imprinted bruise feeling on my derriere anymore.
or maybe its just that i feel like i've spent some quality time working hard (pssht)
and now i deserve time to watch one of my television shows 
from the repertoire of many that i'm currently watching. 
any way you see it, it takes a solid few hours 
before i can sit down and do some productive work
and i feel like a 7 year old with ADD. 
hence, why i'm writing this right now and posting it the next day.
at least if i'm procrastinating homework, i'm doing something else that should get done. 
multi-tasking. yeah yeah.

Feb 11, 2013

lets just talk about the grammys

or most importantly, let's talk about sexy JT. 

Ho-LEE cow. I think Alicia Keys was singing about him,
because he was on fire. But maybe its just because I have a major crush on him.
Either way, this movie buff took a break and watched the Grammys for the first time.
It was a fun time, but this girl's gonna stick to her Oscars and Golden Globes for the most part. 

Feb 10, 2013

february looks like


my week of mornings. 

35. monday morning.
36. tuesday morning outfit.
37. wednesday morning french toast. 
38. thursday morning light through my window.
39. friday morning sleep-in bedhead.
40. saturday morning heater feet.

Feb 5, 2013

this is what college is supposed to feel like

you know those moments when you were younger
and you would imagine how it would be like to be in college
and live on your own and be best friends with all your roommates. 
and then i realized that thats not always how it happens. 
i try not to be too corny,
but i can honestly say that these girls are some of the best friends i've made here at school. 

Feb 3, 2013


28. today my room is messy.
29. library studying.
30. slurpies in the afternoon.
32. editing stlying.
33. finally full of food again.
34. heater feet.