Feb 25, 2013

lets talk about the oscars

first of all, i'd like to tell you exactly how much i love the oscars.
i have watched them every year since childhood, when i would feel so lucky that my mom let me stay up late on a school night to finish. and as a movie fanatic that not only watches the big beautiful works of art,but enjoys seeing even the smaller less credited films to evenly balance my sense of movie artistry, this is the moment i wait for all year. the sacred handful of hours devoted to the appreciation of the wonderful world of film.

my highlights included, 
-the phenomenal and probably once in a lifetime live les miserables cast performance on the oscars stage. I mean, if it couldn't win anything, at least they gave a solid stellar performance that nobody will probably forget. 
-speaking of performances, i was quite happy with daniel radcliffe and joe go's dance at the beginning of the oscars. while i completely loathed the host, these two made it a bit more bearable with their presence.
-as for the awards, i was loving that adele is so awesome, she not only has a ton of grammy's, but now an oscar. win. i was also thoroughly pleased that anne hathaway won and gave a beautiful acceptance speech.  but most importantly, let's all just give jennifer lawrence a big round of applause for that oscar! you may not think that someone who loves anne hathaway (who once hated her) could also love jennifer lawrence, but i like to think i don't judge too harshly.  and that jen-she is herself through and through and thats probably why some people hate her, but to that i say, 'go jen. you're the greatest.'
the end.

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