Feb 20, 2013

my name is elsa, and i'm a tv junkie

Yes, its true. In case you couldn't tell already, I'm a rather large TV watcher, and i have spent a majority of the last few days soaking up all of that great goodness of my favorite story lines and shows. i've realized its an acquired skill set to be able to watch, balance, and keep up with so many programs and still remain completely interested in all of them equally.  and while i might be embarrassed to mention how many i actually do watch, i'd like to think that i have a well rounded taste in shows that has nothing to do with lazy viewings of cartoonized sitcoms, but more of fulfilling story lines, with the occasional tasteful humor and a perfect blend of just one reality program just to bring me back to reality and real life (i mean, a girl's gotta watch the bachelor, right?).  Maybe I'm seen as more of an obsessive couch junkie for never having stopped watching and only adding more to the mix, but I'd like to announce that I like my shows and if you ever want to have a conversation about why the third season of Downton Abbey was so incredibly depressing yet amazing or why I still continue to watch old Smallville episodes, you can gladly come talk to me.

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