Oct 29, 2011


Have you ever heard of hoops and yoyo? you know-the little characters from the greeting cards with super high voices and crazy personalities? ok, they look like this.

still don't know who they are? well if so, thats just sad. maybe try watching this. now you know who they are! well last night was one of the big halloween parties here in small college town, so jace and i dressed up  as none other than hoops and yoyo. complete with squeeky high voices.  i am elsa and i am recovering from a helium overdose. (just kidding. that's only partially true). 

what do you think? we were a big hit. and i do mean to brag about that. we were told many things about how wonderful our costumes were. people even wanted pictures with us. thats what happens when your personalities match your costumes. 

anyways, my most favorite place, sammy's, is having a costume contest and the winners get $200!! We think we've got a pretty good chance or winning. But we need your help! Please go to this page and "like" the picture of me and dear yoyo! the picture that gets the most likes, wins! So tell your mom! And your cousins, your neighbors, anyone you feel would like to help us out! We would GREATLY appreciate you and your help! here's a little video to give the full experience of the costume :)

love, hoops&yoyo

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