crafting blues (kraft-ing blooz) noun: the suppression of one's urge to craft and create, usually due to the lack of money, and/or craft supply stores nearby. most common in college girls, specifically those named elsa or those that reside in small college town.
-treatment and/or therapy consists of spending various amounts of time overloading on a variety of crafts over breaks from school and while at home, due to the endless amount of craft supplies at one's fingertips. one may also take advantage of their mother's surplus of craft store coupons, and watch hours of gilmore girls while creating various projects. if necessary, try and complete all activities pinned on pinterest to relieve the feeling that there may not be enough to make.
so i made a bow for my hair. because i love bow ties and the bow is the female equivalent. and i have spent the last week painting and painting and painting. it. is. so. much. fun.