Nov 23, 2011

she shops better than you

i bet your mom can't shop like mine can. but really.

does your mom weave through two different malls, search two grocery stores, navigate through the mayhem of costco AND sams club, and get her car lubed all in nine hours?

is she personally greeted (by name) with a hug from patty, the store manager of american eagle, and brought into a friend-like chat about the pair of boots she bought from them last week?

would your mom buy jeans at H&M for your little brother, then run to GAP, see the jeans are cheaper and better, buy those, and then run back and return the jeans to H&M all in the span of 15 minutes before the mall closes?

does she also purchase almost EVERY item on sale, with a coupon, or for a deal? 

i guess you could say she's a pro. i learn from the best. 


  1. I think that's the nicest thing anyone ever said about me (and my sickeness - I mean talent)!

  2. honestly my mom is the same way, it rocks!:)
