Nov 2, 2011


november is good. november is kind. november is important. its going to be a good month. did you know i'm going on a junk food fast for november? 

yep. first time in my life i have EVER done something like this. i'm actually kind of excited. 

did you also know that i'm going to go to the gym? and did you also know that i'm going to make friends? well. i'm not going to the gym to make friends, but you know what i mean. its going to be a good month. i'm going to accomplish all of this while studying harder than i ever have. and i am so excited for this challenge. cause i know i can do it. 

topic change.  i've been working on something i saw on pinterest a while ago-365 things i am grateful for.  so everyday i write down one thing i am grateful for and at the end of the year i'll make a scrapbook of it. i decided, since it being november and all, that this month i'll join the bandwagon and write down something i'm grateful for each day.

today its my school.  have i ever told you exactly how much i love my school? in case i haven't, here it is now-i love my school so much and in so many ways.  it is the best school for me. and i know that its the best school for other people too.  i love that is not just based on academia, but on creating great leaders and disciples. i could not be more happy here. 

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