Jul 11, 2012

secrets of a super shopper

there are few things in this world that feel better than a super shopper moment.
and today my friends, i was a super shopper. 
just indulge me while i happily tell of the best money saved in my whole camp budgeting-

i had scrimped and saved and budgeted in order to have enough money 
for the beloved ward t-shirts. 
i stressfully pinched pennies, buying the essentials first, 
and waiting to see if there would be enough left over money for the shirts.
i deduced that there would be enough money, 
so today i went to michaels to take out this hefty purchase of almost 30 green t-shirts.
and boy, did i leave with them ALL. BAM!

not only did they have all the shirts i needed and in the right sizes 
(the week before i went to three different stores that lacked any sizes of green at all)
BUT, they were on sale!!
that's right-instead of my major purchase rolling in around the bigger numbers, 
it was now half the price. 
thats what i'm talking about. 
they also had the green ribbon i need for a fraction of its usual price, 
and some very cute green daisies to pair with our table decorations. 
i walked out of that michaels more proud about craft shopping than i ever had before.
and thats when i understood the thrill and rush of being a super shopper. 

have you ever seen so many green t-shirts bought at once?

stay tuned for when i will inevitably take up couponing....

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