Jul 23, 2012


currently experiencing a brain malfunction
coupled with exhaustion, causing confusion on every level. 
expecting to continue this for the next week 
as i learn what it really means to run on fumes.
this is my hell week.
pardon my language. 
the final countdown before camp has begun
and i'm not sure if its smart to stay up to the late hours of the night 
and cram my days with the last minute preparations 
and leave my brain in a stupor of regular thought, 
but it is what it is homies. 
no idea what just possessed me to say homies. 
oh well.


  1. I'm way sorry you're stressed out. and I'm way jealous you get to go to girls camp. And good luck!

    1. you are so wonderful. you just made my day :) thank you!

  2. At least you have a cute bow in your hair that your best friend made ya ;)
