Jul 11, 2012

from a long time ago, because i'm too tired to write now,

from a distance, it makes perfect sense that the people and the things you think will save you, are the very ones that have the power to disappoint you the most bitterly. but up close, it can be a bewildering surprise.

and quite honestly, i believe that it must be them that should hurt us. to either show the truth of their internal essence, or awake us to a greater sense of compassion. it must be them to do the simplest act or the most heartbreakingly horrible deed to make us feel the most wretched we could ever feel. for they are the ones we would so easily forgive. they are the ones that will help us understand compassion and the ongoing process of forgetting the faults. and if it is the darker side shown. well then, there is simply nothing that tells the truth more than that.

no amount of suffering can be asked for, but we must hope that we will face the anguish with the best of intentions. for it would be awfully foolish to lose those we love most to the pride of our own hurt souls or to be blinded into a fable.

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