May 7, 2012

raindrops on roses

today i enjoyed two of my favorite things. 
painting on tea cups and bows in my red hair. 
they're my things. 
(except for the one mug i'm painting for blondie)

thats really all i have to say today. 
and this-

no one person truly understands another. try as we might, we simply can't do it.
we can empathize, we can be as compassionate as our souls will allow,
but to truly feel as another does, is God-like.
and the few people that possess that gift 
are numbered among the greatest, the healers, the humble hearted. 
those who allow divine authority to gift them 
with such painful and important duties, 
and reach beyond themselves to give as much as they possibly can. 
what a rare and beautiful breed they are.