May 21, 2012

elsa, its time you set some goals

i've never been a fan of goals. it normally means that i decide to do something grand,
and then i never end up doing it.
and i become, disappointed and embarrassed. 

but this is the new elsa, 
and the new elsa sets goals. 
and the new elsa will be held responsible for those goals. 
and what better way to publicly humiliate and embarrass myself
(to hold myself to it)
than to post it on here?

do something creative once a week-
get those hands dirty and sticky with with all sorts of craft supplies elsa marin.
just let your creative brain go crazy. 
i'm going to write in my journal-
once a week. its important to update your future self.
and darn it, i'm going to get more sleep!
i've had enough of being tired and sleepy all day long. its time to be alive!

so, you, my readers, hold me accountable for my goals. 
keep me honest ;)

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