Jan 27, 2014

monday, oh monday

i am so tired. i could sleep for days.
i'm thinking of transitioning over to WordPress for my blog...thoughts?
chicken salad is the best thing ever. so is coming home from a grocery trip with enough food for a whole month.
doing laundry for only myself is still a really weird thing for me. i guess i'm destined to do lots of laundry for lots of kids.
lately i dream of downton abbey and myself as a crawley sister.
i made lots of pizza on saturday and it was so good.
that bachelor wedding though....not as eventful as it seemed it would be. bring on the juan pablo tonight!
i am on the verge of a creative outbreak in my life right now. i can feel it in my bones. the possibilities are perfect.
also, i spent an hour looking at past oscar winners and nominees and i feel like a movie buff failure because i haven't seen HALF of them. so, here starts my new resolution to start watching all of the movies that have won and were nominated. ever.

1 comment:

  1. Hey cutie! I'd talk it through with some people who actually use word press before you start. It might be a great alternative but research might save you some headaches in getting started.

    You're prettier than any of the Crawley sisters. But wouldn't it be fun to wear those clothes? Maybe you could be adopted into the family. Write Julian Fellowes and see what he has to say.

    Do some research on some of those movies too. Some would sear your soul.
