Jan 16, 2014

dear best friend,

dear best friend,

Remember that time on Valentines Day when I said I had only been on 3 dates the 6 semesters I had been there and then that teacher walking near us turned around and said, "That's so sad. You should hang out in different buildings."? Well I'd like him to know that I've successfully had plenty of more dates since then and you're about to get married. And that is something I seriously can't believe sometimes, it just makes me so freakin' happy! Every time I see a picture of Summer Bellessa and Brooke White, I love it so much more because Summer's hair is red now, so we really are just like the GWG. Do you remember that time I would use IcyHot cream for my monster of a knot in my shoulders and I accidentally touched my eye and you said it drooped like I was having a stroke? That's me for ya.  I miss watching award shows with you because you're the only person that enjoys it and knows everything thats going on.  When I watched the Golden Globes, everyone made fun of Diane Keaton, which is kind of ok, because she's an easy target, but the fact that they didn't know that she was in Annie Hall with Woody Allen or even who Woody Allen is, means you don't exactly have license to make fun.  And then when I explain everything, they still don't really care. So lets just plan on watching all of the awards shows together, ok? I heard someone play P.S. I Love You and I was surprised I knew all the words and didn't know why it made me feel sad. But I realized it was because you had played it so many times before. i think that we should take a minute to commemorate all of the songs that have gone through the infinite playlist of our college experience. like this. Remember this one too? Have you caught up on Revenge yet? Or had any slurpees lately? I hope we get one when I come see you. Sometimes I really hope that it comes a lot sooner than it is going to, because it's one of those monumental marks that you go through in a friendship, and who doesn't love to get a chance to see that? It's just like when we wrote our names on the top of the door to our room in the 411 or the time we switched you into my room from yours.  I think that sometimes when those things happen, we see the significance and know that things are changing, but what I think we don't know is that there's something else about it that is much small and simple, and we don't really remember that until later. but when we do, it makes all the big things seem that much bigger and the good things seem just that much better.

like, really, how did we turn into such women? 

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