Jan 15, 2014


it hits me and goes through me in a way that nothing else does. it runs like something i've never really experienced otherwise.  almost like a slow fog at first - i can't quite make sense of anything, no matter what it is I'm working on.  i have pieces, vague ideas, scattered thoughts.  But nothing really goes the way I want it.  And then suddenly, with no real rhyme, reason, or time, i feel it creeping in. and i can't quite grasp it yet, but i know its coming. it's seeping through the ceiling and like an egg being cracked, it seeps over the top of my head and flows down through me. and if i don't grab something and start writing it down, i'll lose it. if i don't speak immediately, i'll forget it. if i don't move and do it runs past me. it is the most odd and somewhat spiritual experience i have. there are times where i sit and labor and work tirelessly towards just a glimmer of inspiration. and then there are the blessed times that i can literally feel a surge and charge run through me. and i don't know why i work that way, but i do. my life works like this. and i live like this because it is my creative brain and it satisfies me and i sometimes think of it and look at it in awe.  its the most beautiful thing that i can think of - a tangible connection with a higher and more ultimate power that can be seen through the product of what i create. and that's a gift

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