Oct 1, 2013


i find myself forgetting this trip and these experiences from time to time and it makes me panic.
because when i was 17 and went on this kind of a trip for the first time, i never really turned back.
in more ways than one, i had tasted the world and with it, came the unquenchable need to keep experiencing it. and also, with it, came the desire to always explore those that i could learn from. because that is the truth of these kinds of trips-the benefit always returns to you greater than you gave. of all the things, i remembered this today. when we had first interacted with the people of the cloud forest region in the mountains of guatemala, i was drenched with sweat and then caked in dust. while we had a short hour with a small branch for church, we had to leave and continue our way up the mountains to our mayan like destination. one little girl followed me. and all she could say was my name. the barrier of languages didn't keep the message of her want for friendship. it was the sweetest and simplest thing that opened up my possibilities for the entire trip.
she is my friend that knew my name and thats all i really needed. 

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