Jul 15, 2013

i think i'm still in love with my (fictional) boyfriend...s?

is it silly when i find myself thinking about men that i find attractive?
let me re-phrase that. 
is it silly when i find myself thinking about men that AREN'T REAL?
yeah. i can answer that for myself.
and while my younger adolescence friends will testify 
(jenna went through a pretty tough smallville phase with me)
i am nowhere near as bad as i used to be.
i think that out of embarrassment, i've chosen to keep myself from day dreaming
over the late matthew crawley or imagining an elsa-clark kent perfect date,
but i have to admit that small certain part of me that can't help but swoon
when i watch jim tell pam he loves her for the first time
or when tom talks about the things he loves about summer. 
i think it's instilled in women.
partly a curse that keeps me from going on another date
or chasing after that one guy, 
because he won't play peter gabriel on a boombox outside my window
(though that could be weird because i sleep in a basement).
i guess what i'm trying to say is, 
i think i haven't gotten over my fictional boy figures yet and the break ups begin now.

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