Jun 24, 2012

I'm an INFJ

some days i have a creative brain overload.
a whole spew, no, an enormous tidal wave of ideas spurt through every fold in brain
and start to rush out of the orifices of my head.
i become a 7 year old boy with raging ADD,
moving my focus from one creative project to the next inspiring idea
at light speed intervals while my mere mortal body tries to keep up.
i can't even begin to explain how it seems that i can simultaneously
think of a single idea in certain detail, while rushing over a new idea at the same exact time.
it boggles me to think that i am even capable of this creative thought high.
and then i laugh and remember the realities i have learned of myself of late
and think, 'that's merely you elsa'. and it is.

and i don't even want to begin to try and describe how i somehow still remember them days later.
cause i don't know how.
my brain is a masterpiece, a work of art, and it can only clearly be explained the making of something much higher and more divine.
i love to think that.

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