Apr 23, 2012

unlike this

just one unfortunate symptom i've noticed that has resulted from facebook.

thumbs-up syndrome 
[thuhms uhp sin-drohm]

1. simply put, wishing to respond to various forms of communication (email, text, blog posts) 
by 'liking' it, instead of writing back.
i.e. Nancy's e-mail response was short and did not need a whole response and my chronic thumbs-up syndrome resulted in no response from me.

2. could also be a result of not wishing to politely communicate like we are meant to with the people of this world, and wishing to take the easy way out. Therefore, teaching one to become rude and terrible at actual communication. 

whats the world coming to?
any one else notice this or is it just me?

1 comment:

  1. Do I know this "Nancy" you are referencing? Just a thumbs up or down is needed. :)

    You are funny!
