Apr 30, 2012

and his name is stuart....

i am in love with a man. the singer of fictionist, to be exact. 
it started out small, with mere attraction to the lovely blonde clark gable do, 
and the fabulous black glasses. 
then those lovely blue eyes and his absolutely FABULOUS style struck a growing obsession within me that was hard to stop. 

there he is, right smack in the middle, fancy shoes and all. 
and he's even wearing a bow tie.

"creativity and inspiration are very elusive. 
there's the part that you can grasp, the craft of something. 
with music you can say what key is it in, what tempo, 
but then as far as what exactly your art is going to be 
and what a song is going ot be about, thats a completely different thing. 
its while theres an infinite number of things we can write about, 
there's a finite number of things that you have an emotional license to write about, 
that tie to your specific experience that can actually become something authentic 
that you can speak about."

darn that stuart maxfield for being too great. 
its only a shame he is married. she is lucky. and i will admire from afar. 
wishing for my own stuart maxfield mixed with the fabulous josh davis. don't get me started. 

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