Mar 6, 2012

you've been tagged

for the first time in my blogging history, i have been tagged. it only took me 98 posts to get here, but here we go. you can thank miss courtney for tagging me. its ok-i actually secretly love doing these things. and we will be friends this summer.

here are the rules:
1. post these rules.
2. post a photo of yourself and 11 random things.
3. answer the questions set for you in the original post.
4. create 11 new questions and tag people to answer them.
5. go to their blog and tell them they've been tagged.

1. i paint my nails a new color almost every week. sometimes its twice a week. 
2. peanut m&ms with popcorn and coke is my favorite snack. ever. the end. 
3. i am a sensory person. i hate: wet socks, itchy sweaters, screechy pencils, and smelly garbages.  
4. i have a fetish for bow ties and bows. 
5. i'm more comfortable with children than adults sometimes. i think its because i'm so quiet. 
6. i have an obsessive personality. start me on a new tv show, give me a new treat, play some new music for me and i will non-stop admire it for 2 weeks. 
7. i like boys with fancy shoes and clark gable hair.
8. emma watson is my idol and i could officially die happy after meeting her. 
9. i love doing laundry and folding clothes. 
10. i am afraid of: birds, the dark, natural disasters, and boats.  
11. i like to think that i can cook, but i probably can't. 

1. if you could only pick one song to be your favorite, what would it be?
-hands down, no questions asked, blood by the middle east. 
2. top 5 favorite celebrities. go!
-emma watson, adele, zooey deschannel, john krasinski, and liam hemsworth (for looking reasons).
3. what were your parents going to name you if they didn't go with what your name is now?

-christian. my mother had convinced herself i was a boy, so as not to be disappointed if she didn't get her girl.
4. what is your least favorite chore?

-taking out the trash. especially where i live.
5. who is your least favorite celebrity?

-i hate anne hathaway. and i love anne hathaway. but mostly i just hate anyone from jersey shore.
6. do you have a celebrity look alike? who is it?

-i've heard mixed reviews. some say alexis bledel. a few keira knightley. i was going for emma stone with the red hair, but i guess i didn't accomplish that.
7. if you had to spend the day with anyone from the jersey shore, who would you choose?

-i prefer the real housewives of disney.
8. what is your most beloved childhood memory?

-anything involving the wolf girls, my two best childhood friends. this includes putting on our own purina dog shows, pretending our bikes were horses, and going to petsmart for adoption days on saturdays.
9. you're on a desert island, and can only bring two things. what are they?

-my journal and the harry potter boxed set of books (that counts as one since its a boxed set ;))
10. justin bieber, or jess mccartney? choose wisely...

-for your sake courtney kearns, justin bieber. he puts on a funny show on ellen and i enjoy it.
11. what is your favorite sit down restaurant?

-if i was rich, cucina toscana. but i'm not, so biaggi's. its all about the REAL italian. 

you've been tagged!
1. jace dear
2. jenna marie
3. miss lily arnold
4. anna marilyn

1. what is your biggest pet peeve?
2. its friday night and you can do whatever you want-what are you going to do??
3. harry potter or hunger games?...your fate depends on this answer
4. favorite tv show?
5. if you could choose any three places to visit, what would they be and why?
6. movie line you quote the most. go. 
7. whats something you want to learn how to do?
8. which celebrity's style do you envy the most?
9. most embarrassing middle school moment-tell us. 
10. liam hemsworth or alex pettyfer?
11. who was the best teacher you had in grade school?

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