Jun 30, 2013


camp. the countdown has started. it technically started a week ago, but i've been so slammed that i haven't had time to even tell you that. i'm living what i'd like to call a "half and half life".  half the time, i'm super on top of things and know whats going on, productively checking off things from a long list to do, and half the time i feel the sleep deprivation kick in and with it, a panicked, nervous, and scatterbrained elsa that's second guessing if she remembers everything or not. but here are a few things to update you, including pictures.

some days, you just have a genuinely good day. and friday was just one of those days for me.

spending lots of money makes me tired. and stressed. i don't think i like money. thanks for that girls camp.

i'm going on a fast food fast. i ate out (and mind you, its not always a mickey d's. its mostly sit down) every day this last week, even twice a day once. and it was not my choice at all. i feel so full of crap, that i've decided to take a fast.

my lovely friends visited me this weekend and it was the most wonderful thing. oh how i missed them and oh how i love them.

174. maxi skirt mondays

175. still life peaches. my favorite summer fruit.

176. i love this candle. 
it makes me peaceful.

177. most nights, right before bed, something to this effect is involved.

178. sometimes i use this to make major decisions. 
just kidding.

179. finally. sleep.

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