Jul 29, 2013

more mondays

I have a really big crush on Phillip Phillips.
I was in a commercial today for my work. Things like that never happen to me.
Whenever I smell the scent of cigarettes, it makes me feel like I'm in Europe.
I think I'm a pushover.  I just really hate saying no.
My singles ward gives me mixed feelings. It feels just like high school, and thats not something I'm a fan of.
I held a newborn baby the other day and I fell in love.  I forgot how much I love babies.
Sometimes my twin brothers forget that they're too cool for me lately and we have a good time.
I had the biggest and grossest zit of my life this past week. I was embarrassed by my own body.
Whenever I read a trashy mag, I feel so in the know.
Thoughts that go through my head before a date are jumbled and as follows: I hope he's taller than me. I don't want bad breath, I hope I brought enough gum. What if I get sick? That would be awkward.
This week I'm going to be better at blogging than last week. I'm also trying to not look at my phone while I drive. I think a police officer thought I was texting at a red light, but really I was just checking my Instagram.

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